Cheapest flights for Якутск – Лиссабон (YKS – LIS)

Авиасейлс will find you the cheapest airfare for Якутск – Лиссабон by comparing the ticket prices to в Лиссабон using 45 agencies, five booking systems, and 728 airlines. Where exactly you buy your tickets for Якутск – Лиссабон is up to you.

Авиасейлс suggests buying tickets for Якутск – Лиссабон in advance in order to choose the conditions for your flight that best suit your preferences and budget.

Общая информация о перелёте Якутск – Лиссабон (YKS — LIS)
8 216 км
9 ⁠ч
Текущая разница во времени
44 492 ₽
Самая низкая цена
Средняя стоимость на авиабилеты
Airlines flying from Якутска to в Лиссабон

Flight statistics for from Якутска to в Лиссабон

Search patterns for from Якутска to в Лиссабон by month

Users of Авиасейлс carry out hundreds of thousand of searches per day on our website. We analyze this information and compile charts to make it easier for you to plan your trips.

Search pattern for from Якутска to в Лиссабон by month

During periods of high demand we recommend buying airline tickets for from Якутска to в Лиссабон in advance. For example, the number of search requests in октябре can reach up to 20 queries , while in январе the number drops to 5 of the maximum.

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